The Canadian Association of Optometrists (CAO) encourages parents to include routine eye exams with an optometrist for children as young as six months and as part of a child’s regular health routine. Eye and vision health conditions do not always have recognizable symptoms and may go undetected. The CAO Frequency Guidelines state that: οinfants should […]
Run for the Cure
Dr. Traczuk, Dr. McCann and some of the staff of Central Optometry will be participating in the annual Run for the Cure for the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation. We will be participating as apart of the Michienzi Frenzi Team. To read more about the team, and the the person we are running for you can […]
Digital Retinal Photography
Our clinic offers high-resolution digital retinal photography. Using a computer integrated digital imaging system we are able to take pictures of the inside of the eye to monitor for any ocular changes. This technology allows us to observe for yearly changes in the retina (tissue lining the inside of the eye) and the optic nerve […]
Online Contact Lens Store
We’re proud to announce the launch of our new online Contact Lens store. Orders placed online are shipped directly to your home, for a small fee, or shipped to Central Optometry at no cost. This service comes with a suite of handy features such as order tracking, email notifications when you are almost out of […]
Electronic Medical Records
You may notice something different the next time you visit the office – an electronic medical record (EMR) system has been implemented. Central Optometry began exploring its options in 2011 and found an EMR system that seamlessly integrated into our previous patient database. The new system went online last week and everyone at the office […]
Welcome Dr. Wesdon McCann
We would like to take this opportunity to welcome one of our new doctors to Central Optometry. Dr. Wesdon McCann received his Doctorate of Optometry in Fort Lauderdale Florida. […]