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Vampires & Zombies & Werewolves…OH MY!

People who love Halloween often want to create the perfect costume. When creating a character like a zombie or a vampire, contact lenses can add that extra touch that will complete their look. What’s truly frightful, however, are the repercussions from purchasing contact lenses online without first consulting an eye care professional. According to the […]

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Winter Woes: Dryness & UV Damage

Winter is fast approaching and there are two very common ocular problems associated with this time of year: Dry air conditions and UV damage. Eye Health Problem #1: Dry Eye The most common complaint during the winter months is that of dryness and ocular discomfort. One of the major complaints that my patients report during […]

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Smoking: The Devastating Effect on One’s Eyes

Smoking cessation, or avoiding smoking, is one of the best life investments one can make for not only the long-term health of your entire body, but your eye health as well. Smoking has been implicated in increasing your risks of cataracts, age-related macular degeneration, vascular disease and severe thyroid disease. The more a person smokes […]

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Sunglasses: Not just a fashion accessory

Sunglasses can give you instant Brad Pitt cool, Madonna glamour, or the or the rock star look of Bono. But these stylish frames are far more than a fashion accessory. Sunglasses are an essential tool in keeping your eyes and the surrounding tissue safeguarded from the harmful effects of the sun. Here’s are some helpful […]

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Are carrots really good for your eyes? – Fact or Fiction

“Eat up, carrots are good for your eyes and will spare you from requiring glasses”. Children often shy away from vegetables so there are a number of things parents will say to coax a child to eat roughage at mealtime. Is there actually truth to this belief? As with many wives tales, there is a […]

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Dry Eye Syndrome

Dry Eye Syndrome, also known as Dysfunctional Tear Syndrome, can be a very frustrating and sometimes a debilitating problem for many people. Patients as often describe it as: “my eyes are always red/itchy/tired” or “my eyes are constantly tearing”. These symptoms can lead to daily aggravation and annoyance. Who is more prone to Dysfunctional Tear […]

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