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EnChroma Colour Vision Glasses Now Available at Central Optometry

Central Optometry is very excited to be the second location in Ontario (and the eighth in Canada) to offer the exciting new Enchroma lens technology. This is the only eyewear developed to assist red-green colour deficient people with colour discrimination, and it’s available for purchase in our office. WHAT IS COLOUR BLINDNESS? Colour blindness, or […]

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Launching Ontario’s First Zeiss Clarus 500

Central Optometry is proud to be the first site in Ontario to launch the new Zeiss Clarus 500, offering patients the latest in retinal imaging for advanced diagnostics. The advent of widefield retinal imaging has shown us that indications of disease are often located in the far periphery of the retina. CLARUS 500 is the […]

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Optical Prism Magazine Feature Article on Dr. Wes McCann

Dr. Wes McCann turned his childhood dream of a career in medicine into a growing success on both the business and health–care sides of the optical sector. Read about his story recently featured in Optical Prism Magazine. Click on the link below to read the article: NEXTGEN: Dr. Wes McCann – a young optometrist with […]

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Seasonal Allergies Are Upon Us!

What is an eye allergy? Many people experience eye irritation caused by common things in the environment such as pollen, dust, or ragweed. These substances are called allergens, and they can cause symptoms such as itching and redness of the eyes, or swollen, puffy eyelids. An ocular (eye) allergy can happen suddenly or some time […]

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Vampires & Zombies & Werewolves…OH MY!

People who love Halloween often want to create the perfect costume. When creating a character like a zombie or a vampire, contact lenses can add that extra touch that will complete their look. What’s truly frightful, however, are the repercussions from purchasing contact lenses online without first consulting an eye care professional. According to the […]

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