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Dr. Wes McCann in London Ontario

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Dr. McCann earned his two Bachelor of Science degrees (both with honours) at Western University in London, Ontario, before going on to earn his Bachelor of Vision Science, accelerated MBA, and Doctor of Optometry degrees at the Nova Southeastern University (NSU) of Optometry in Fort Lauderdale, Florida.

During his time at NSU, Dr. McCann was president of the student government and was awarded the Student of the Year award. He also maintained full honour roll status and earned the Dan & Hoffman Award for clinical excellence, as well as an award recognizing his skill in contact lens management.

While in Florida, Dr. McCann completed several clinical internships at Eyes Centers of South Florida in Miami and Aker Kasten Eye Center in Boca Raton. He also completed clinical rotations that focused on contact lenses, primary care, and pediatric optometry at NSU.

Dr. McCann owns eight practices in the London and surrounding area and is a professional consultant for Johnson  & Johnson Visioncare. He has been on the faculty at the Canadian Dry Eye Summit numerous times and lectured at hundreds of events/conferences and across various platforms on contact lenses, ocular disease, dry eye disease, pharmaceuticals, and medical equipment. He is a KOL, consultant and/or speaks for companies such as Johnson & Johnson, Bausch & Lomb pharmaceutical division, Labtician, Thea, Oculus, Clarion, Zeiss, and Sun Pharma. He has enjoyed teaching clinical externs from the Waterloo School of Optometry in the past, has served on the Board of Directors for the Ontario Association of Optometrists in 2016-2018, and is currently on the Board of Directors for Eye Recommend. He has been published in numerous journals including Review of Optometry and Review of Myopia Management.

For the 2016/2017 year, Dr. McCann also served on the board of directors for the Ontario Association of Optometrists, and is currently serving on the board of directors for Eye Recommend, a national cooperative and a growing network of independent optometrists dedicated to personalized and comprehensive eye care.

While he misses the sunny Florida weather, Dr. McCann is pleased to be practicing in his hometown of London, Ontario.

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